Wednesday 17 July 2013

University of London Information Days

UoL Logo
University of London Information Days
The University of London Information Days will be held on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 September 2013, 10am - 3pm each day at Senate House, Malet Street.
This is a key event for any student, parent, teacher or anyone returning to study at undergraduate level after a career or family break who may be interested in finding out more about studying at the University of London.
On both days, 16 of the University of London colleges will be exhibiting and running talks about undergraduate courses at the colleges, as well as University of London Housing Services (ULHS), Senate House Library and University of London Union (ULU)
Please note that these two days are not individual college open days, this is a centrally organised event for information gathering where all the colleges will have representatives present in one place.
To see what happens at our University of London Information Days and to hear what visitors and exhibitors thought, please click here to watch our short video, or copy this link into your browser

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Anthropology Taster Day

Taster Day at UCL Anthropology


Course Photo
Course Logo

The Department of Anthropology at UCL invites you to a day of exploring anthropology at UCL.
One of the largest anthropology departments in the country, staff at UCL Anthropology are engaged in pioneering research at the cutting-edge of four aspects of modern anthropology: Social Anthropology, the comparative study of societies and social change; Biological Anthropology, the study of the evolution and ecology of humans and other primates; Material Culture, the study of how people make, exchange and consume the material world; and Medical Anthropology, the study of how culture influences the experience of illness and the practice of medicine.
In this one-day taster course you will have the chance to learn about anthropology through hands-on workshops with current PhD students and staff. The workshops will give you the chance to learn, to meet anthropologists and to ask questions. You will be asked to get involved and have fun.
Taster Day Programme: 
9.30 – 10.00       Welcome 
10.15 – 11.15 Biological Anthropology workshop 
11.15 – 11.45 Coffee/Tea 
11.45 – 12.45 Social Anthropology workshop 
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch 
14.00 – 15.00 Material Culture workshop 
15.00 – 15.30 Coffee/Tea 
15.30 – 16.30 Medical Anthropology workshop

Course Date: 13 Sep 2013

Duration: One day (9.30am - 4.30pm)

Subject area/s: Anthropology,Biological Anthropology,Material Culture,Medical Anthropology,Social Anthropology

Course Requirements: This taster course is open to year 12 and year 13 students or anyone who is thinking of starting their undergraduate studies in September 2014.

Monday 8 July 2013

Teenager Life Skills - useful for applying to Oxbridge or American Unis

How to: Teenager Life Skills Jamboree

Teen­agers Life Skills

A unique two-day half-term all-out event for teenagers. Individual sessions will include: how to interview well, how to write a great CV, how to gain work experience, how to break into the workplace, and how to get into Oxbridge or an American University

1) – How To: interview well. Taught by Edie Lush

Do you come out of career-breaking interviews feeling sure that you have done yourself justice? We all know how engaging and compelling we can be when we are at our most confident, comfortable and natural, but what often happens when we are under pressure and in the spotlight is that the person our friends recognize drains away to leave a drier, less effective version of ourselves. By exploring how to bring ideas, opinions, and interests alive and to make rhetoric concise, accessible and memorable, we’ll work on turning you into an effective, compelling, interesting and, above all, successful.

2) – How To: enhance your CV. Essential advice on careers by Anastasia Baker from Intern Partnership.

3) – How To: write a killer CV. Taught by Rachel Spedding from Bright Network.

The average time an employer takes to scan a CV is just 10 seconds. So what are they looking for? What can you do to stand out from the crowd? A tour de force of what it takes to present yourself well on paper, what it takes to stand out from the crowd and even how to sell yourself into a role before meeting your potential employer.

4) – How To: to get into the working world and how to secure work experience. Taught by Robin Kennedy Wexo (Work Experience Online).

5) – How To: get into Oxbridge- Taught by James Uffindell Oxbridge Applications.

Should I apply to Oxbridge? And what are my chances? What are those admissions tutors at Oxbridge really looking for and how do I stand out at every stage of the application process? From choosing your course to writing the famous personal statement, sitting tough admissions tests and tackling the interview questions like ‘Tell me about a banana…!’, how can you ensure you are demonstrating your ability, potential and motivation at every step?

6) – How to get into a good university to do an interesting course with disappointing grades. Taught by James Barton, MPW

7) – How To: use social media( your online network)  to advance your career. A guide to using Facebook and LinkedIn. Taught by Rachel Spedding from Bright Network.

Do you use Facebook, Twitter, online forums and even LinkedIn? Do you have lots of friends, who in turn know lots of interesting people? Your next contact, your next opportunity could be right in your friends list, or there at the click of a button. So how could you use your social networks to your advantage? How can you raise your online profile to get ahead?

8) – How To : write as well as Orwell. Taught by Charity Charity.

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Friday 5 July 2013

Maximise your medical school application

Medical school applications: maximise your medical mojo

With 10 candidates for every medical school place, wannabe doctor Isaac Ford talks tactics with the experts.

Medical school applications: successful candidates will have excellent grades, clinical work experience, good communication skills and a realistic understanding of the profession.
Medical school applications: successful candidates will have excellent grades, clinical work experience, good communication skills and a realistic understanding of the profession. Photo: Sean Justice/Getty Images

Getting into medical school is hard. I didn’t realise just how hard until I started to research it. According to Ucas figures for 2012 entry, there were 82,489 applications to medical courses for only 7,805 places. This means there were 10.6 applicants for every place.
To give yourself the best possible chance of success – or at least a fighting chance of an interview – your application needs to fulfil the tough academic requirements and have an “X factor” that will catch the eye of the admissions tutor, too.
For prospective medical students like me, it is a daunting prospect. How to succeed? I talked to doctors, medical students and academics involved in the admissions process to find out.
First, the basics: you need top grades – not just at A-level, but also at GCSE. Candidates with A/A* GCSE results in English language, maths and science are preferred, and in reality most successful applicants will boast As and A*s in a wide range of subjects. Nearly all universities ask for chemistry A-level and at least one other science: some insist this should be biology. A third A-level is needed, and it can be any subject (although most medical schools will not accept general studies or critical thinking). Realistically, to gain an offer your predicted grades must be AAA at least. If you do get a conditional offer, your place at medical school will be assured by meeting the required grades: AAA, or even A*AA at some universities.
Most universities ask applicants to take either the BMAT or the UKCAT aptitude tests, which examine GCSE scientific knowledge and aptitude for medicine by assessment of verbal reasoning, data analysis, abstract reasoning, decision-making and judgment in real-life situations.
Students are told that there is a limited amount of work they can do to prepare for the aptitude test, but Joe Hamilton, a third-year medical student, told me otherwise. Hamilton was rejected by all four of his chosen universities the first time round. His below-par UKCAT mark was partly responsible. “Two of the rejections I received were due to the fact that I did not score highly enough in the UKCAT.” So how did he make sure he got a better score the following year? “The second time around I did a two-day course in London and a lot more practice before sitting the test.” He dramatically improved his score.
The course Hamilton took is run by Kaplan, an international exam-preparation organisation, and teaches techniques for answering questions from each section of the test. For instance, careful time-management counts: it is crucial that you attempt all sections, as often the questions that carry more marks are towards the end of the paper. That’s a useful insight, but at £315 the course is not cheap.
“They say you can’t prepare for the UKCAT, only familiarise yourself with the questions,” Hamilton says. “I found that was not the case and the more practice you do, the higher the score you will get. I know a lot of others who are at medical school with me now had exactly the same experience of the UKCAT.”
Universities will also be looking for evidence that you are genuinely interested in medicine and have read widely around the subject, gaining insight into the NHS and health care generally. Dr Lawrence Seymour, a consultant in acute medicine at a teaching hospital, recommends starting as early as GCSE year. “I would advise a would-be doctor to keep a folder and collect anything in the general press or from medical journals such as the BMJ [formerly the British Medical Journal] that relates to medical advances, new treatments – anything that catches their interest.”
Before applying, students should make sure they have a clear idea of what being a doctor is about, says David Bender, an emeritus professor of nutritional biochemistry at University College London, and a former member of the medical admissions team. “Students thinking about applying to medical school should talk to doctors and medical students to find out what the course and the job is really like,” he says. “It is not all the glamour you see on television.”
Nearly all medical schools require applicants to have some sort of health-care-related work experience. I asked Dr Patrick Harkin, the deputy director of medical admissions at the University of Leeds, what counted as relevant experience. “Volunteering in a hospice is work experience, even if it’s not necessarily what you think of first. In fact, anything that has clinical relevance is work experience. Care homes, hospices, pharmacies, all places where something clinical is happening.” You don’t need a long list of placements, Dr Harkin says, as long as it is clear that you have learnt from what you’ve done. “It’s not about what you do; it’s about how much you get out of it. Some people get more out of a week than others get out of a month.”
Having said that, working or volunteering in a clinical setting for a prolonged period of time is valuable. “If you stick at something for six months, that shows dedication and an interest. If you’ve been at 15 different things we might start to wonder about your commitment, or your ability to get on well with other people.”
Work experience can also enhance your vital communication skills. Leo Feinberg, president of the University of Birmingham’s MedSoc and a third-year medical student, volunteered in an acute medical unit, where he learnt what he says is one of medicine’s most important lessons: that “Patients want to talk. They may be nervous, and they need someone to offload to.”
Only three medical schools, Belfast’s Queen’s, Edinburgh, and Southampton, do not interview prospective medical students. But certain medical schools place more emphasis on personal statements than others and information about this can be found on their websites. (Many universities provide a guide to writing the personal statement, as does Ucas.)
Dr Harkin stresses that a personal statement must concentrate on the individual’s unique experiences relevant to their choice of career. “Your personal statement is personal. It is about you. We are not after great prose. This is not a creative writing course.” Hamilton agrees: “Anything that I thought was relevant to my application, that I had gained something from, I put into my personal statement.”
At the interview, tutors are looking for commitment and enthusiasm. They also assess aptitude, empathy, communication skills and social awareness. Preparation is vital, says Dr Seymour. “Interview practice is really, really important. Most candidates are stumped or struggle to sound sincere when you ask them 'So why do you want to study medicine?’ My advice is: practise.”
A realistic understanding of the highs and lows of being a doctor is required. Prof Bender has a way of investigating this. “One of the questions I often ask applicants is: 'Has anyone tried to persuade you that medicine is an awful career?’”
Given the competition, it is inevitable that even some of the best candidates will be turned down. But this should not be a deterrent. Hamilton made good use of his enforced gap year by working as a health care assistant at a local hospital, which he believes boosted his application the second time around. “There are a lot of people who are second-time applicants, possibly as many as a third or half of the year group. I have not met anyone who has regretted having a year out – but I have met people who wish that they had had the opportunity.” The greatest benefit of his year out, Hamilton says, was the chance “to experience health care from the nurses’ perspective. From their point of view, doctors who started out as health care assistants make the best doctors!”
After speaking to Joe Hamilton – and so many other helpful people – I am encouraged, though the anxiety hasn’t completely left me. At least I know what I need to do to give myself a chance of being accepted — and maybe one day I will be able to look a patient in the eye and say: “Hello, I’m Dr Ford. How can I help you?”.

Grade and aptitude test requirements vary. Check university and medical school websites
For advice on admissions, see; for information on the 2013 UKCAT paper and practice questions, see; for the BMAT see; for Kaplan’s preparation course see

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Boost your Personal Statement this summer

School holiday: boost your personal statement this summer

Forget the beach - make sure your university or job application stands out by making the most your summer with these activities, says careers adviser Susan Burke.

Forget the beach: put your summer to better use by trying these CV-building activities.
Forget the beach: put your summer to better use by trying these CV-building activities. Photo: PA

There is a lot of pressure on young people to have a clear focus on what they want to do. But where do they research their career ideas? Type the word ‘career’ into Google and you get over one million results.
Most students tend to choose a career they are familiar with and know about; this is why career research is so essential. The obvious choice if you’re interested in Maths may be to become an accountant, but do teenagers understand professions such as actuary or quantity surveyor?
If your son or daughter is in Year 12 then this summer they need to be planning what they want to do with their future: UK or overseas university? Apprenticeship or a gap year? Summer is the time to start making those life-changing decisions - when you return to college or sixth form next year you need to be in a position to actually make those vital applications. Here are some helpful resources to give you a competitive advantage.
Get on the ladder
Go Think Big is a way for students to get on the career ladder - it provides information about new placements, internships and events to help build your career. The website is even currently accepting applications to be one of the crew that makes the next Rizzle Kicks music video.
Student Ladder is another fantastic online resource which showcases work experience opportunities from Year 11 to undergraduate level at blue chip companies such as Royal Bank of Scotland.

The play's the thing
Pupils who love Drama or Music have the perfect chance to get involved over the summer. They will learn transferable skills such as confidence, the ability to meet new people and commitment - all qualities any employer would want to see.
However for those looking for a career in the area, this type of experience is essential. It can help improve performance, learn to accept constructive criticism and be better prepared at auditions.
National Association of Youth Theatres has over 1,300 groups and individuals to support the development of young people through youth theatre. To boost CVs further, teenagers might also consider The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama, which is offering a number of summer school placements in Music and Drama, and offers financial assistance. Finally, musician can also join the prestigious National Youth Orchestra.

Science camp
The STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) sector is a growing industry for the UK. Getting involved in activities such as the ones listed below can help test your career ideas.
Students who love IT should consider learning how to code - you can learn online by visiting Code Academy or Decoded. Alternatively the Salters Camp is great for students who are in Year 10 and love chemistry - they help motivate students by developing a long-term interest in the subject and its applications in modern life.
Two other schemes offer fantastic residential courses which aim to provide students with a taster of Engineering at a subsidised rate. Smallpeice Trust still has courses available from Year 8 onwards and some courses are still available this summer. Headstart is full but it is definitely worth a mention and may be something to plan for the following year if you have an interest in Engineering.

Love to learn
For those with a broad intellectual interest, why not expand your knowledge or learn a new language? This is fantastic for your CV, but more impressive for your application to university. This shows an admissions officer that you have gone above and beyond your curriculum at school or college to specialise further in the subject of your choice - something definitely worth considering if you’re a potential Oxbridge candidate.
Take a look at some of the free online courses available. OpenLearn is a great place to get an idea of what to expect from university study with over 650 free courses on a range of subjects. Coursera offers 300+ courses in over 20 categories created by 62 universities from 16 countries. And Khan Academy allows you to learn almost anything for free, with a library of over 4,100 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and more.

Think community
Doing for other people not only makes you feel great but adds a wealth of experience to your own CV. Getting involved in the scheme called 02 Think Big shows to a prospective employer you are creative, able to project manage, disciplined, motivated, dependable and much more. It is open to anyone who is 13-25 years of age and needs money, support or training to help improve your community, and helps young people launch ideas and programmes that benefit the places where the live. You provide the idea and they will fund you £300 to help make it happen.
Volunteering opportunities are also available in a range of areas from working with children or animals, to health, politics, art and sport. Volunteers need to be 16 for most opportunities, though some require you to be 18. No formal qualifications are needed, just a willingness to help.
For those who enjoy History or Classics, CSV Heritage Camps provide the opportuntiy to add to your CV or university application. Volunteers spend a week camping out at a famous church or cathedral doing their bit to protect our architectural heritage.
There's also the option of "virtual volunteering" - all you need is a computer with internet access and you're good to go. It could be anything from writing a letter to a sick child to taking part in surveys.

Get a taster
As a careers adviser I recommend students attend taster courses in Year 12 to find out whether they would enjoy studying their course further at degree level. It is also a great way to find out if you like where the university is based, and to find out more about the general area. London universities offer a range of taster courses from Languages to Business to Art. All are free to attend.
Many universities have university open days so make sure you check out whether they are organising any taster events you may be willing to attend. This isn't just the usual degree choices - if you are interested in Animal- or Land-based courses and are 16-17 years old, find out about related careers and university life from Royal Agricultural University.

Susan Burke is Head of Careers in a high-achieving school in Merseyside. Visit her on Facebook or at