Friday 12 April 2013

Study in Holland

Information is from:

Until recently, very few British students decided to study in the Netherlands.  This year has seen a massive change in the number of British students enrolling on Dutch degree courses and we expect that this will continue in 2013 and beyond.
There are many reasons why you might consider studying in Holland but the most important is probably tuition fees. In 2013 Dutch tuition fees are usually €1,835 per year. This is significantly cheaper than English university fees which are an average of £8,400 per year. However, we don’t believe you should go abroad just to save money and there are lots of other reasons why studying in Holland is a good idea. It is also worth bearing in mind that even though a degree in the Netherlands will be significantly cheaper than an equivalent qualification in the UK, you will possibly have to pay out more money up front than if you were to study at home. Having said, the overall financial burden is likely to be a lot smaller
In the Netherlands there are now around 200 bachelor qualifications taught entirely in English and many more that include a significant English-language component. There are over 1,000 Masters programmes taught in English. You can search for degrees fully taught in English in our database of Dutch degrees.
The Netherlands is a highly outward-looking country and its economy is perhaps the most international in Europe. Knowledge of English is so good that it is possible to survive almost entirely in the English language (and watch BBC television without paying the licence fee).  British students who have gone to study in Holland recently have found it to be a very welcoming and supportive study environment. You can see some of their testimonials on our site and you can speak directly to some of them via our facebook group Dutch Degrees.
 Studying abroad is a big decision to take. We hope that this website will answer a lot of your general questions but if there is anything specific you would like to ask us, please send us a message.

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